Ginkgo Labyrinth Park has the ‘endless knot’ shape — one of the most important traditional auspicious symbols in Ancient Egypt and Tibet. The endless knot (Sanskrit: śrīvatsa) is symbolic of the interaction of all the events and creatures in the Universe. Thus, the Park will grow into an extraordinary sight drawing visitors because of its unique trees and outstanding shape.
As the trees grow the Labyrinth passages will transform into tunnels arched with leaves. The 10 spaces between the trees could become ample spaces to relax, read, meditate, enjoy a starry night and dive into the magnificent sight of the most ancient trees on the planet.
With time trees will be named after prominent figures in world culture, scientific discoveries, breakthroughs of our civilisation, space objects and animal species that became extinct as a result of human activity. Some trees will bear the names of the honoured and most active project activists!